Emergency Evacuation Drill
At 8.20 A.M. of 25th May, the on-campus bell ringing kicked off the fire and earthquake emergency evacuation drill in the second semester of the 2017-2018 academic year in Anqing Foreign Language School.
To begin with, the drill was conducted during classroom teaching sessions when all the teachers and students were having classes. They wre urgently evacuated to the safe zone. After the alarm went off, teachers from each class immediately organized students to evacuate out of the classrooms swiftly and orderly all the way from the designated route to the track and field stadium. Under the orderly organization of the emergency evacuation drill working group, more than 3,000 teachers and students quickly withdrew from each teaching building separately and assembled at the track and field stadium within 4 minutes.
After the drill, Anqing Foreign Language School specially invited policemen from the Old Peak local police station to proceed the review work. Other than that, Mr. Lu Dan, Commander in Chief of the emergency evacuation drill, praised the teachers and students who earnestly participated in the manoeuvre and rapid evacuation. Meanwhile, he required all the teachers and students to further establish the idea of ‘Safety First& Prevention First’ to prevent campus emergencies, further raise safety awareness, lift strain capacity and guarantee personal safety.
To conclude, Anqing Foreign Language School has always been attaching great importance to safety education and preventive work. This emergency evacuation drill aimed to raise security awareness of teachers and students, let them get familiar with emergency evacuation routes, cultivate their strain capacities in case of various emergencies, strength organizational coordination, help teachers and students stay calm under the correct command of school leaders, guarantee personal security of teachers and students in addition to constructing a safe campus.



